
Serena & Closearte SUP

Wed, 2015-02-11 21:17 -- danbrowne

some fun images with the family renting Serena sups with Closearte Sup...

contact us to find a location with Serena SUPs and enjoy one today...

have fun in the water with Closearte and Serena and your family and friends...

paddle at morro bay

Fri, 2015-02-06 21:57 -- danbrowne

enjoy a day paddling around the harbor...
here is a warm winter day at morro bay...
serena paddle sports supplies sups, kayaks and accessories for rentals, marinas, hotels, resorts and businesses...
contact us today for yourself or your business to get your sups...

a tale of two boards...

Mon, 2014-11-10 09:02 -- danbrowne

There are alway options when choosing the right sup for your needs.
Serena Paddle Sports offers a variety of shapes and designs to match you with a sup that will work best for you in any type of water and venue.
Here are some views of our Serena Open Water Racer and Serena Touring Boards.
